With over 15 years of experience, VIETMY IMPORT-EXPORT LOGISTIC CO., LTD is one of the leading company in the field of Logistics. Owing a team of experienced, well-trained staff with agents and partners chain around the world, We always put ourseflve in cusomers’ position to understand need’s customer so VIETMY LOGISTIC is….
CONTACT NOW DETAILVietmylogitic helps you transport and import-export goods more efficiently
Why have over 2500 customers selected Vietmy Logistics the past 15 years?
Understanding the actual needs of the Customer, resolving anxiety and willing to provide the Customer with more benefits than any competitors in the field of Logistics. In addition, we build a standard operating models
Currently, Vietmy Logistic Company provides all sectors in the field of Logistics towards a Vietmy Logistic with professionalism, diversity and constantly improving high quality customer services.
With the strength in providing goods transport services North – Central – South by sea, road, railway….
Providing import and export package services, specializing in customs clearance for difficult goods, need fast shipping.
Vietmy Logistic provides scheduled transport services, collecting goods and hiring shipment with reasonable cost.
Consulting professionally, exactly about policy’s regulation related to shipping by sea and import-export goods.
Providing freight rail services with contant schelduel, transporting full toa, across all provinces of Vietnam.
15 years of experience in the freight forwarding industry, we clearly understand customers’ needs, so we actively build many diversified and flexible services with the same system.
In Parallel with a diversified services system, We focus on convenience of customers by developing human resources and a wide network across the country and abroad
Put ourselves in the position and interests of customers, we always build and supply goods and services with reasonable cost to ensure the best possible benefits’s business
Time is precious, so we will train a team of professional staff to advise as well as handle customs documents, customs clearance of customers.
Resolving matters quickly and efficiently is a our action criterion, to ensure that we are right time as committing customers.
Transporting goods quickly and exactly is very important but the priority matter is how to ensure goods arrive to place safely.